It’s officially a trend; this week we’ve been called every single day of the week to fix a roller shutter that has been closed onto an open window!
Homeowners with awning windows (windows that open outward, as opposed to sliding open) run the risk of damaging their motorised roller shutters by accidentally leaving an awning window too far open and then trying to close the shutter. The open window will obstruct the roller shutter and prevent it from closing. If this happens, stop the shutter motor as soon as possible – more damage is done the longer the motor is left running. Same if the shutter is closed onto any other obstruction, e.g. a broom handle.
Once the obstruction is removed, be wary as the curtain may fall down at high speed. If there are any funny noises or the shutter refuses to open/move afterward, it’s time to give us a call on 8447 3443 for advice or a free quote to repair.
Helpful tips for homeowners with awning windows and roller shutters:
- leave the windows open through the summer months (winter too if you’re brave!) to just short of where the roller shutter passes down. This gives you the benefit of air circulation without having to judge the distance every day.
- if you have a remote control for your shutter and you’ve opened the awning window right out, remove the remote control from its cradle and place the remote near the open window. Then when it’s time to close the roller shutter – you’ll have to find the remote by the window before you can close the shutter, jogging your memory that the window is open and needs to be closed!